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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Xiangqi Top 10 Openings 2.2: P7+1, C2=3 象棋十大开局2.2 兵七进一,炮2平3


Xiangqi Top 10 Openings 2.2: P7+1, C2=3

The names of the Xiangqi pieces are:
    帅/将 King(or General), abbreviation: 'K',
    车 Chariot(or Rook), abbreviation: 'R',
    马 Horse (or Knight) , abbreviation: 'H',
    炮/炮 Cannon, abbreviation: 'C',
    兵/卒 Pawn (or Soldier), abbreviation: 'P',
    仕/士 Advisor, abbreviation: 'A',
    相/象 Elephant (or Bishop), abbreviation: 'E'.

The movement of the Xiangqi pieces are depicted with the following abbreviations:
    Advancing a piece: '+',
    Retreating a piece: '-',
    Traversing (moving in the same horizontal line, aka rank): '='.

Approximate relative values of the pieces:
Chariot (R): 9,
Cannon (C): 4.5,
Horse (H): 4,
Elephant (E): 2,
Advisor (A): 2,
Soldier after crossing the river (P): 2,
Soldier before crossing the river (P): 1.

According to the statistics of the openings of Xiangqi Champion Kings, Xiangqi Grandmasters and Masters in the actual competition games, and according to the Tiantian Xiangqi data, the top ten opening rankings are: 1: C2=5, 2: P7+1, 3: E3+5, 4: H8+7, 5: C2=6, 6: P3+1, 7: C8=5, 8: C2=4, 9: H2+3, 10: E7+5. There are multiple coping moves for each opening, you need to remember and understand one by one, by analogy! Once you've mastered one opening, go to master another.


   1.P7+1      C2=3
   2.C2=5      E3+5
   3.H2+3      P3+1
   4.R1=2      P3+1
   5.H8+9      R9+1
   6.R9=8      R9=4
   7.C5+4      A4+5
   8.C5=1      H2+1
   9.C1+3      H8+9
  10.C8=5      H1+3
  11.P3+1      R4+4
  12.R8+6      H3+2
  13.A6+5      C8+2
  14.C5+5      K5=4
  15.E3+5      C3+7
  16.E5-7      C8=5
  17.E7+5      H2+1
  18.R8-4      R1+2
  19.R8=9      R1=5
  20.R9=8      P3=2
  21.R8=7      P2=3
  22.R7=8      P3=2
  23.R8=7      P2=3
  24.R7=8      P3=2
  25.R8=7      P2=3
  26.R7=8      P3=2
  27.R8=7      P2=3
  28.R7=8      P3=2
  29.R8=7      P2=3
  30.R7=8      P3=2

 象棋十大开局2.2 兵七进一,炮2平3

《象棋十大开局2.2 兵七进一,炮2平3》





ECCO:E36 仙人指路转左中炮对卒底炮飞左象



FEN :rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR w - - 0 1

  1.兵七进一      炮2平3  
  2.炮二平五      象3进5  
  3.马二进三      卒3进1  
  4.车一平二      卒3进1  
  5.马八进九      车9进1  
  6.车九平八      车9平4  
  7.炮五进四      士4进5  
  8.炮五平一      马2进1  
  9.炮一进三      马8进9  
 10.炮八平五      马1进3  
 11.兵三进一      车4进4  
 12.车八进六      马3进2  
 13.仕六进五      炮8进2  
 14.炮五进五      将5平4  
 15.相三进五      炮3进7  
 16.相五退七      炮8平5  
 17.相七进五      马2进1  
 18.车八退四      车1进2  
 19.车八平九      车1平5  
 20.车九平八      卒3平2  
 21.车八平七      卒2平3  
 22.车七平八      卒3平2  
 23.车八平七      卒2平3  
 24.车七平八      卒3平2  
 25.车八平七      卒2平3  
 26.车七平八      卒3平2  
 27.车八平七      卒2平3  
 28.车七平八      卒3平2  
 29.车八平七      卒2平3  
 30.车七平八      卒3平2  