Sunday, March 31, 2024

George Lu Drew Simon Li (Australia's Sydney Xiangqi Invitational Competition Simul Game Record One)

 "George Lu Drew Simon Li (Australia's Sydney Xiangqi Invitational Competition Simul Game Record One)"

The Australia's Sydney Xiangqi(Chinese Chess) Invitational Competition Simul was organized by the the Australian Four Arts Chinese Scholar Association and the Australian Xiangqi Association with ending victoriously at Eastwood Plaza in Sydney on Saturday, March 9, 2024. It was a perfect success! Fifteen Xiangqi players registered to participate in the competition, and fourteen Xiangqi players arrived on time to challenge. In the first round, Grandmaster George Lu sat on the ring, and then in the second round, the China's first Queen of Xiangqi Grandmaster Huang Zijun sat on the ring. Most of the challengers were male Xiangqi players, and there were a few female Xiangqi players. Only one Westerner Xiangqi enthusiast participated in challenging for two rounds. Each game in the two rounds was a fierce battle, and the atmosphere was tense and warm.

In the first round, Grandmaster George Lu was aggressive in his moves, quick in his moves, and battled wits and courage. He was both offensive and defensive on the Chinese chessboard, and was scheming. The games was very intense, and Xiangqi fans and the audience were attracted and focused. In the end, Grandmaster George Lu won two and twelve draws. It can be seen that the Xiangqi skills are superb! Grandmaster George Lu had won multiple Australian Xiangqi individual championships and was the runner-up in the Hong Kong individual Xiangqi competition before coming to Australia.

In the second round, the China's first Queen of Xiangqi Grandmaster Huang Zijun was facing with the challenges of two female Xiangqi players and twelve male Xiangqi players, she sometimes concentrated on meditation, and sometimes struck as lightning, placing troops on the Chinese chessboard and attacking step by step. The games were quite exciting, so Xiangqi fans and spectators couldn't help but were applauding and cheering good! The first Queen of Xiangqi finally ended successfully with a total draw (fourteen draws). It can be seen that the Xiangqi skills are extraordinary! Grandmaster Huang Zijun is the Queen of Xiangqi that won the first Chinese Women's National Xiangqi Individual Championship.

One of the challengers, Mr. Simon Li had recorded his game:

   1.C2=5      C8=5
   2.H2+3      R9+1
   3.R1=2      H8+7
   4.R2+4      R9=4
   5.H8+9      H2+3
   6.C8=7      R1=2
   7.P7+1      R4+3
   8.R9=8      C2=1
   9.C7+4      P7+1
  10.P3+1      C1-1
  11.A4+5      C5=6
  12.R8+9      H3-2
  13.H3+4      R4=6
  14.P3+1      R6=7
  15.H4+5      R7+5
  16.A5-4      E3+5
  17.P7+1      H7+6
  18.C7+3      A4+5
  19.R2=8      R7=6

(Result: George Lu Drew Simon Li)

Mr. Simon Li is a professional accountant working in a large organization in Sydney, Australia, and an amateur Xiangqi with good skills. He often participates in Xiangqi competitions and promotes Xiangqi activities.


(By Laoyang, Australia 31/03/2024)

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